Monday, May 7, 2007

What is your working style ?

I was just sitting here and pondering about how much we differ from other people, simply by our working style.

I know I am very organized, need things planned and lined up, while others may need the pressure of a deadline to present their best work.

So I was just searching the net and found a simple but interesting test , which I of course took ( can’t resist those …LOL) – here is the result :

Your Working Style

“You are extremely dependable and have a complete, realistic, and practical respect for the facts. You absorb, remember, and use any number of facts and are careful about your accuracy. When you see that something needs to be done, you accept the responsibility, often beyond the call of duty. You like everything clearly stated.

Your private reactions, which seldom show in your face, are often vivid and intense. Even when dealing with a crisis you look calm and composed. Behind your outer calm you are viewing the situation from an intensely individual angle. When you are "on duty" and dealing with the world, however, your behavior is sound and sensible.

You are thorough, painstaking, systematic, hard-working, and careful with particulars and procedures. Your perseverance tends to stabilize everything with which you are connected. You do not enter into things impulsively, but once committed, you are very hard to distract or discourage.

You often choose careers where your talents for organization and accuracy are rewarded. Examples are accounting, civil engineering, law, production, construction, health careers, and office work. You often move into supervisory and management roles.

If you are in charge of something, your practical judgment and valuing of procedure makes you consistent and conservative, assembling the necessary facts to support your evaluations and decisions. You look for Solutions to present problems in your successes of the past. With time you become masters of even the smallest elements of your work, but don't give yourself any special credit for this knowledge.

You may encounter problems if you expect everyone to be as logical and analytical as you are. You then run the danger of inappropriately passing judgment on others or overriding less forceful people. A useful rule is to use your thinking to make your perceptions about inanimate objects or your own behavior, and to use your perception to understand others. If you use your senses to see what really matters to others, so that it becomes a fact to be respected, you may go to generous lengths to help. “

Pretty accurate :)

If you are now curious about your work style visit:

Have fun and let me know how accurate your results are !

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