Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Law of Attraction

Who hasn’t heard of and who is not fascinated by the alleged simplicity of it?

I assume there are not many left but why do I say: the „alleged“ simplicity?

Most have watched The Secret, read a tremendous amount of articles and/or books and yet the Law seems to be not working ...or so we think ☺

I do believe that many out there have tried everything mentioned in the book but they still feel they are stuck just where they are and I say that if you feel that way you just gave up to easy. The Law of attraction is working BUT in „His“ time and not in our’s.

We need/want help, money, a partner, a car etc NOW and we start to shift our thinking in the right direction and expect miracles to happen right away. If this is not the case and if we do not see tangible results within a certain time frame we do dismiss the law and we are just as far away from our dreams than when we started if not further because we are discouraged.

What we have to take into consideration is that THE LAW is indeed working but as a seed planted into the ground, our thoughts or their realization need time to come into our reality.

Be patient and stick to your dreams

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