Saturday, July 7, 2007


The good you find in others, is in you too.
The faults you find in others, are your faults as well.
After all, to recognize something you must know it.
The possibilities you see in others, are possible for you as well.
The beauty you see around you, is your beauty.
The world around you is a reflection, a mirror showing you the person you are.
To change your world, you must change yourself.
To blame and complain will only make matters worse.
Whatever you care about, is your responsibility.
What you see in others, shows you yourself.
See the best in others, and you will be your best.
Give to others, and you give to yourself.
Appreciate beauty, and you will be beautiful.
Admire creativity, and you will be creative.
Love, and you will be loved.
Seek to understand, and you will be understood.
Listen, and your voice will be heard.
Teach, and you will learn.
Show your best face to the mirror, and you'll be happy with the face looking back at you.

I just discovered this one on Maria Sipkas's "About me" page and got her approval to post this. Maria is one of the most inspiring woman I have ever met and she is the moderator of the XING Group Global Business Woman.
It touched me deeply and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do !!!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Too old to make changes ??

I got inspired for this topic by a post on XING, which is btw a great Networking place ….

When are you too old to make changes in your private or business life ? Is there any limit at all ?

I say : NO , the only thing which might hold you back in your old tracks is most probably fear.

If you wake up and you have stomach cramps just thinking about going to work because you don’t like the job, the co-workers etc . I say its time to make a change

If you are not happy in your relationship, don’t stay just for fear that no one else might come along – try to learn to love your own company. There is nothing more appealing in anyone no matter whether you are a woman or a man than being happy and confident in your own skin.

There is no age limit nor a limit of trying when you go for a change. The most interesting people are those who tried to go for their dreams , those who overcame their fears . They felt down in between and got up again – Those people know now there is nothing to be scared off. They trust their abilities and don’t care about what others might have to say. Those are the people who will succeed in their quest eventually!

So you might not succeed in your next job or relationship …so what ? There are so many other options out there .

Think about what you really want – no matter in which area. Make a list with all you want either in your job or in your personal life and make a list with all you don’t want .

You will be amazed by how much things are coming on your mind, which you actually do NOT want but still accept .

Just remember ...Life is too short to ignore it! ”No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change”. … Barbara De Angelis